Marra Forni Pres. and CEO Francesco Marra announced via LinkedIn post in January that the...
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Other E&S People News: Cres Cor, Atosa, Great Lakes Hotel...
Here’s some of the other personnel news I’ve seen. There will be more next week. Cres Cor, the...
Trouble Ahead? There’s Certainly Trouble Behind
Forecasting is very, very difficult. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a fool’s game—it has its...
E&S Prices Were Flat Again In December, Average Increase...
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index, released Jan. 14...
Eating And Drinking Place Sales Declined 0.3% In December...
Restaurant and bar sales growth was very weak in the last quarter of 2024, according to the latest...
NAKS Acquires Custom Kitchen Fabricator
North American Kitchen Solutions, the Elyria, Ohio-based fabricator and owner of the HoodMart...